What is the story of Falling Marbles Press?

In 2019, when Mike was originally searching for publisher for his Catty-Corner Conversations, he found that he could not find a publisher who fit his needs. Consequently, he set about founding his own publishing house, enlisting the help of his daughter, Mariah, who became his partner in the enterprise. Stewart Berg was the first non-founding author who the Press took on, and growth has continued from there.

What types of books does the Press publish?

We primarily publish fiction with a literary focus.

How do I submit my manuscript to the Press?

We are always looking for authors interested in joining our team and catalogue, though we are a rather select press. For submission information, see our Contact page.

Why is the Press named Falling Marbles?

Because we are located in Marble Falls, Texas.

Why are your views so unacceptable?

Assuming such question to be in reference to the views expressed in the Catty-Corner Conversations, the Press kindly directs one to the Introduction to that work. As there stated, the views expressed by Mike Cole’s neighbor are not his own; in fact, his, along with those of the Press, are generally the opposite, as demonstrated in the work itself.

Where is the Adventures of Meowcat, the Adventurous Kitty: Book One?

There is no Adventures of Meowcat, the Adventurous Kitty: Book One.